Whether you suffer from hyperpigmentation, acne, scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, or a change in skin texture, Dr. Taylor Pollei has got you covered. One treatment that can help with all of these issues is a chemical peel.

Here at our office, Dr. Pollei offers three types of chemical peels: superficial, medium depth, and high intensity peels. Because superficial and medium depth peels are the most popular types of peels that we perform, we are going to focus more on those peels in this article.


Your entire peel shouldn’t take longer than 15-20 minutes on average. For the first few minutes, you will feel a slight bit of tingling and discomfort but it should quickly subside. After the chemical has sat on your skin for long enough, we will wipe it off and send you on your way.


  • Day 1: Before you go to bed at night, Dr. Pollei recommends that you wash your face with a gentle facial cleanser. Even though your face may be a little bit tend, make sure to apply a non-fragrance moisturizer over the top.
  • Day 2: Around day two, you will notice that parts of your face— typically around your nose and mouth— are starting to peel; this just means that the peel is doing its job.  Make sure that you either let your skin naturally slough off or that you use a gentle washcloth to get it off when you are washing your face.
  • Day 3 and 4: Around day 3 and 4 after your chemical peel, you will notice a little bit of peeling but it should start to even out. Your skin may still be a little sensitive around this time but it should start calming down.
  • Up Until day 7: Make sure to avoid any sun exposure. If you have to spend time outside, wear a lot of sunscreen and a large brimmed hat.

Taking good care of your skin starts at home and ends with in office treatments from Dr. Taylor Pollei. If you are ready to learn more about how we can take your skincare routine up a notch, contact us at our Mission Viejo office today and call us at (888) 241-4026.

Credit to Pollei Facial Plastic Surgery

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