Aging can be summed up in about six words or less: The good, the bad, the ugly. And although aging can bring along with it some experience, wisdom, and hopefully some good memories to cling to, it can also wreak havoc on your physical appearance— especially your skin.
As you age, your skin starts to lose collagen and elastin in it which can cause it to sag and droop. Additionally, all of those summer days spent on the beach when you were younger can leave you with more fine lines and wrinkles than you may care to admit. Luckily, Dr. Taylor Pollei has a few ways for you can hold your head up higher as we
One of the best surgical options to give you that firm, youthful look you have been missing is with a facelift. During a facelift, Dr. Taylor Pollei will make small, hidden incisions either along your hairline or behind your ears which will allow him to lift and tighten your skin— getting rid of any sagginess and fine lines and wrinkles in the process. One of the many benefits of a surgical facelift is that it lasts longer than other procedures and gives patients real, draw-dropping results.
Your face isn’t the only part of your body that can start to show premature signs of aging. In fact, the skin on your neck is one of the first places that can start to lose elasticity. Additionally, as we age, we start to store fat in areas such as underneath the chin and around the neckline. During a surgical neck lift, Dr. Taylor Pollei will work to counteract these adverse signs of aging to help tighten deep tissues, remove excess fat and skin, and give you a more fresh and youthful look.
Whether you think one of these surgical options is the best route for you to take or if you want to learn more our noninvasive procedures, contact our Mission Viejo office today!